Thursday, May 24, 2012

Occupational Hazard of Parenting #1 - You're not as smart as you think you are

Through all of my education, I was on the brighter side when compared to a lot of kids.  I had some honors classes here and there, and for the most part, made honor rolls, Dean's Lists, etc etc.  I didn't graduate college with honors, but looking back, I probably should have done so if I had exerted even a bit more effort.  Anyway, the point is, I'm a relatively intelligent person in comparison to most of the population...or so I thought.

The other day, KT started talking about caterpillars and butterflies.  I figured that it was because we have been reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" nightly.  I purchased that book for BG, well it came with butterfly shoes that I felt she NEEDED to have, since they had butterflies on them.  KT still thinks that everything in the house is hers, and BG is too young to care, and I figure by the time she does care, KT will be over the book.  Anyway, KT said, "The caterpillar goes into his criss-uh-liss and then he turns into a butterfly."  I responded, "huh?"  She said it again....  I chuckled, "Haha...I think you mean cocoon."  She said, "Ya, but it's a criss-uh-liss."  Since I was not interested in debating with her, I agreed.  Even when she's dead wrong, there's no debating with her anyway.

I almost made this "KT statement" my status update on facebook...or contemplated posting it on KT's Twitter account.  I like to use both forms of social media to share with others the craziness that we get to hear every day from KT, but also as a way to document it for myself.  (Incidentally, KT can be found on Twitter at @k8e_kay).  I thought that it was funny that she came up with this "criss-uh-liss" word when trying to say "cocoon."

Fast forward to this morning (probably close to a week later), I was listening to the morning news as I straightened my hair.  They talked about a butterfly exhibit in Hershey that is opening this weekend.   They had a representative from the facility who explained the butterfly's life cycle.   I heard,  "blah blah blah 2-3 week life expectancy as a butterfly....blah blah blah... chrysalis"   

My jaw hit the counter.   Of course, chrysalis.   She wasn't making up a word for actually WAS a word.   Now where the hell did she learn it?   

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