Friday, June 22, 2012

Occupational Hazard # 4 - The Circle of Life - Goldfish funerals.....

As a follow up to the previous blog, less than 12 hours after the purchase of Goldie and Lost and found, I was abruptly taken from sleepy dreamland to a confused state of consciousness.

It was roughly 6/6:30 AM when KT came into our room and said, "Mommy, sumpin's wrong with Lost and Found.   He's not swimming."  I managed to mumble, "OK, I'll check it out when I get downstairs, after I wake up."  I thought that he didn't look too spunky prior to going to bed, and doubting he'd be swimming in the morning.   I wasn't concerned about this now.... it was 6:30am.  The baby was still sleeping, therefore, I wanted to be sleeping as well.

What seemed like 10 minutes later.... KT was back.   "Mommy, Lost and Found is dead.   He's not swimming."   I was somewhat surprised she knew that he was "dead," but didn't open my eyes and said, "KT, I'll check it out when I get up.   It's still night night time, and I am tired."   The reply was, "LOOK, HE IS DEAD."  I managed to squint without glasses, half awake, to see she had her hand extended to my face and in it, a dead black goldfish.

"OH MY GOD, KT, FISH STAY IN THEIR BOWL! BK, SHE'S GOT THE DAMN FISH IN HER HAND!"   He stirs from sleep and orders her to throw it in the toilet.  I scream for her to wash her hands.   She's utterly confused...."Why does Lost and Found have to go in the toilet?   Won't we pee on him?"   The mound of things that I'm going to explain is exponentially getting more difficult to handle.  She does what she's told and has told EVERYONE that "Lost and Found is DEAD" since last Friday.

Unfortunately, Goldie has followed in her brother's footsteps and was flushed Tuesday ...  She hung out with us for a few days anyway.   I haven't gotten back to the store to purchase more 24 cent pets.... At least she's taking this "fish death" well, although she somewhat finds it humorous because we all chuckle every time she blurts out "Lost and Found (or Goldie) is DEAD."

The Goldfish bowl has been cleaned and now has clean water in it.....  just no fish.

Oh to be a kid...  their honesty is brutally honest, yet acceptable.   We spend half of our life covering ourselves and not saying it like it is.....   It's actually admirable and brave.

1 comment:

  1. I just typed out a very long and very funny comment. Then blogspot ate it. Now you shall never know.
